Friday, 7 November 2014

HOME is where the HEART is !

What does the word 'HOME' evoke in you ? To me HOME is:

That place where you are ACCEPTED
Flaws, warts and all
That place, when you might fumble or fall
Help is always at hand, to help you move on.

Where when you succeed, at things big or small,
You are greeted with pride and toasted with awe!

Where when at the end of a long, hard day,
There's someone waiting at the door-step
With a love-filled demeanour !

Where when you return, worn-out, battle-scarred,
Bruised, hurt, misunderstood, stripped of your all
Your mind numbed, your heart stunned
By a cruel world's strange paradox
(no matter what your age or caste, creed, sex, sect no bar)
Anxious loving arms and warm loving eyes
Encircle you, in their PROTECTIVE embrace
and you realise, 
LOVE's WATCHFULNESS across time and space PERVADES

Sometimes you might even run away,
Seeking adventure, change or prize
But soon you hasten back
To LOVE's silent summons and
silent admonishment at going 'nearly astray'!

When reprimands delivered
For actions ignorant
Underlie the intense concern
Of a Father's tough love

And then seeing the tears that invariably flow,
The Mother hastens forth
(With a twinkle in Her eye!)
To comfort and console.

"Home is where the HEART is", read a poster long ago;
Houses are built of bricks, homes are built of HEARTS", another said so
LOVE that soothes and gives without an 'agenda'
 LOVE that heals and comforts in an incessant flow
Love that encompasses ALL
Regardless of regard or 'dividend'

Such is the love of this Master we adore!
I am grateful, O Lord - the Dweller of my heart
To have savoured this love, so unique and apart!
That Thy Grace bestowed, oblivious to deservance
That flows in myriad ways, till date, always

And that has made my HEART, the HOME I'm seeking for!

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